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"; } /**---------------------------------------- CSS_en_child_CSS -------------------------------------------**/ /* .search-result-section h1 { font-size: 20px; color:#fff; } */ .result-table th { white-space: nowrap; } @media screen and (max-width: 1100px) { } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { } /*--------------------------------------------------------- ### dl dt dd 20230616追記 ---------------------------------------------------------*/ .clearfix::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } dl.tbl { float: left ; width : calc(100% / 2) ; margin : 15px 0px; /* color: black ;*/ } .tbl dt { float: left ; clear: left ; background-color: #faf9f5 ; font-weight: bold ; clear: left ; vertical-align:middle; } .tbl dd { margin-left: 0px ; padding-right: 18px ; color: black ; } dl.tbl3 { float: left ; width : calc(100% / 3) ; color: black ; } .tbl3 dt { float: left ; clear: left ; padding: 8px ; background-color: #faf9f5 ; font-weight: bold ; clear: left ; vertical-align:middle; } .tbl3 dd { margin-left: 0px ; padding: 0 15px ; color: black ; } /* 2/3 */ dl.tbl6 { float: left ; width : calc((100% / 3) *2); color: black ; } .tbl6 dt { float: left ; clear: left ; padding: 8px ; background-color: #faf9f5 ; font-weight: bold ; clear: left ; vertical-align:middle; } .tbl6 dd { margin-left: 0px ; padding: 0px ; color: black ; } /*tablet 960px以下*/ @media screen and (max-width: 960px) { dl.tbl { width : calc(100% / 1) ; } dl.tbl3 { width : calc(100% / 2) ; } dl.tbl6 { width : calc(100% / 1) ; } } /*smartphone 667px以下*/ @media screen and (max-width: 667px) { dl.tbl { width : calc(100% / 1) ; padding-right: 0px ; } dl.tbl3 { width : calc(100% / 1) ; padding-right: 0px ; } }